You can set up the experiment by clicking on . The tree editor will appear like the one on the picture below.The editor for designing games in extensive form games appears on the screen. The , and icons are the main building blocks.
From the File menu, choose New
To start editing the tree:
The branch was
created that connects two points, a chance node (i.e. Nature) and a decision
node (i.e. Player 1).
appears as a default name for a stage above the first node. Click on the title and write a new name if you want to change it. appears at the bottom of any node and represents the transition matrix between different stages. One only one stage is defined the weights represent the likelihood of the same stage being repeated or ended.
To add another branch following
the root:
To add any branch:
To continue adding branches:
To delete a branch:
A branch that connects
the predecessor and the successor decision node is erased as well as the
successor decision node (in our example Player 2 decision node).
Note that the payoffs are updated simultaneously on all the terminal nodes when a player is deleted from the tree diagram. |
A chance node has a default label "Nature"
(the name can be changed by the instructor), and the branches that follow
the chance node would be determined by some random mechanism, according
to the weights or probabilities that a moderator writes into the empty
rectangles (by default each branch is empty).
To edit chance probabilities on branches:
Every event can also have a name.
Each alternative at a node that is controlled
by a player should have a choice label. To edit choice labels on branches:
Each non terminal node has by default a player
label that is in the set {Nature, Player 1, Player 2,…, Player 16}. There are
two ways to
edit a Player label, or a Nature label:
In our example Player 1’s label was replaced with and option was selected. Note that the label for Player 1 was neither changed in the other nor at the bottom of the tree editor.
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The nodes can be connected between the stages as well. In this case players do not know which stage they are in when they are making a decision. In the example below Player 1 cannot distinguish between second (S2) and Third (S3) stage. |
The set of choice names following the two nodes must be the same if the two nodes are controlled by the same player in the same information state. If choice names do not match, they are highlighted red to warn the instructor that the game is not meaningful, and the program will not allow the instructor to play the game. |
To delete the set of nodes that
cannot be distinguished by a player
Each terminal node has a label that specifies
for each player i a payoff , when this node is the outcome of the game. By default
all the payoffs are set to zero.
To change the payoffs
There are several options how the payoffs can be labeled:
By clicking on the background of the editor appears at the top right corner of the editor. Tick align payoffs and the terminal (payoff) nodes will all be aligned on the same line. | |
Terminal nodes with align payoffs not selected: | Terminal nodes with align payoffs selected: |
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By clicking on the background of the editor appears at the top right corner of the editor. Tick label payoffs and the players roles will be added to the payoffs in the terminal nodes. | |
Terminal nodes when label payoffs is not selected: | Terminal nodes when label payoffs is selected: |
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Each stage that is created has a default name: . To edit a stage name click on and change the stage name. The change of the stage game is not required. |
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Transitional matrix in a stage game
A stage game is a default option. To check it click on the stage name rectangle that is by default named and should not be selected just like in the picture below.
- Transitional matrix with only one stage defined in a stage game
The transitional matrix at the bottom of the terminal node has
the following form: .
Click on the matrix and write the appropriate weights for repeating and
for ending the game. The weights can be integer, decimal numbers. Below is the
list of possible ways that the weights can be written and their explanation:
To design a Markov game click on the stage name rectangle that is by default named and should be selected just like in the picture below where the stage name was changed to "Competitive pricing".
- Transitional matrix in a Markov game with only one stage defined
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- Transitional matrix in a Markov game with only one more than stage defined
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To reposition a
Each node is given
a number, which allows the instructor to distinguish between nodes when
the experiment is conducted, and the data analyzed.
To view Node numbers, click on the background of the tree editor and at the top of the editor index nodes appears as one of the options. Select for viewing node numbers.
The test option select Test
The instructor will be able to observe:
The buyer selected "Yes" in the example below and the results of the game show that the seller earned 2000 in this game, and the buyer ended with 1000. |
4. To save the existing file, select Save.
To run the experiment follow
the procedure described below:
Session Identification:
Provides a box for typing a name for a game if the name was not already specified while designing the game. Rounds should be used when you want subjects to play with the same player and with the same role:
There are two options for matching players:
Log File: By default efgLog-title of the game.html file appears in the box with the option to append it to the existing file. To change the default name click on Browse.The output file can be read by standard spreadsheet programs (i.e.Excel)
The window with the
instructor’s computer address appears on the screen like the one below
on the
The instructor can follow the game on the window that opens at the time he starts the game. The windows shows the status of the players. In the left side of the window ( ) the number before slash shows number of connections and the number after the slash shows if a player is connected to the game. | |
(it is the name of the game) shows results of the game and the matching of subjects. If a moderator specifies that the matching of the players will be done manually then is the page where the button have to be pressed in order for players to receive roles and start playing the game (see the second Figure below). | |
The output file "EfgLog-game name.html" can be imported into standard spreadsheet program (Excel) and looks like the example below: |
The following instructions
should be given to players:
1. Open Internet Explorer and write the address: (the one that is written in the server. Note that players have to write the whole address with "http://" |
2. Go to address and click on: The login window like the one below opens. The players write in the location cell the address: Note that the address in this case does not have "http://". |
After connecting to the address given by the instructor, a player login information appears on the screen: |
After a player launches the game, the game appears on a player’s screen with the message: "1 of n players present. Waiting for more" or if the matching by moderator was selected. When a minimum number of players required by the game structure connects to the game (in our example the minimum number of players are two, a seller and a buyer), or in the second option when a moderator decides to match the players, the players matched for that session can start selecting the moves. |
When the minimum number of
players has been connected to the game, a randomly assigned player’s
role appears at the bottom (i.e. in our example ,
so that a participant knows the role he was assigned to. The choices appear next to the assigned player’s name or number at the bottom of the window when the player has to make the next move. Players make their choices by
makes the next move and the message appears next to the assigned role (i.e.
the choices in our example are "No" and "Yes"). A player selects a choice by clicking on one of the available choices, and that choice is highlighted in blue. |
When the game ends, the terminal node that is reached is highlighted in blue and the outcome corresponding to that terminal node is shown at the bottom of the window for the players paired for that game. |
When the game is over, players will be informed with the message presented in the Figure. |