List of
games in Chapter 9 Pure Strategies Using Comlabgames |
title (right click on the game to download it) |
description of the experiment |
Game 9.1: An Example |
This example does
not have strategies that are dominated, or iteratively dominated strategies.
There are three strategies: U, M and B for raw player and two strategies: L
and R for column player. |
Game 9.2: Product differentiation |
There are two
producers of a hiking boots. Approaching the new season, each firm faces the
question of whether to introduce a new product, undertake minor modifications
to its existing line, or run a sale. The high quality producer is so named
because it introduced a new line of boots the previous season. Since the
introduction of new product lines affect future decisions of the firm, the
payoffs in the bimatrix should represent the respective value of the firms
for a given strategic profile, not just the net profits for next summer. |
Game 9.3: Blind date |
Meeting a new
person in the city poses special challenges, ranging from identification to
the logistics of timing. Thus the means of transportation used by each party
may play a critical role in forming first impressions which are so important
in shaping any future interplay. In this example we suppose that the female
can take a taxi or come by the underground, whereas the male has a range of
three options including bus, taxi or driving and parking his own car in a
nearby garage. |
Game 9.4: Bargaining game |
Suppose that you
are in a negotiation with another party over the allocation of resources.
Each of you makes demands regarding the size of the pie. In the event that
the demands exceed the total pie, there is an impasse, which is costly. |
Game 9.5: Parking meter |
The fact that many
metropolitan areas employ parking meter patrols strongly suggests that many drivers
would not pay parking meters if there were no deterrent effects. In the next
example a shopper consider whether or not to feed the meter. At $1.00 an hour
she requires 4 eight quarters to complete her 2 hour excursion, and if she
does not pay, and the patrol checks her meter within that hour, a fine of
$10.00 is levied. The patrol is rewarded on its success in discovering
parking violations. An alternative use of the patrol's time would be to spend
less time checking meters and more time in the air conditioned patrol car. |
Game 9.6: Corporate plans |
We consider a
problem the company faces as it mulls over possible directions of expansion. In
this game reducing staff is a dominated strategy for the accounting
department, but whether the department prefers to decentralize or to
consolidate depends on where new sales are pitched.: |