List of
games in Chapter 8 Dominance Using Comlabgames |
title (right click on the game to download it) |
description of the experiment |
Game 8.1: Prisoner’s dilemma |
Lacking evidence
that might solve a heinous crime and facing public outcry, the police force
in a country with a poor civil rights record randomly arrests two strangers,
and charges them with committing the crime together. They are questioned
separately, and given the opportunity to plea bargain. If neither of the
arrested parties, or prisoners, confess to the heinous crime both are
detained for a stiffer interrogation, but ultimately allowed to go free after
a human rights organization has brought attention to their plight. If one of
them coop confesses that they pared up and committed the crime together, he
is forgiven for the remorse he has shown and the other prisoner is executed
in public. If both parties confess a long goal sentence meted out to both
prisoners. |
Game 8.2: Team production with more generous bonus designed in free form |
A firm sells
output that is jointly produced by a design team and a manufacturing team.
The quality of the output determines the price for which it can be sold. To
keep matters simple, we assume that for each extra unit of effort undertaken
by either team, up to 10 units, sales rise by $1.5million per unit. Any input
beyond 10 within either team is wasted effort, producing no marginal increase
in sales. It costs $1million per unit of effort in either team, in terms of
lost sleep, hiring new staff, and buying new equipment (plant) and materials.
Effort is not observed by the management. To compensate design and
manufacturing, management institutes a profit sharing plan, whereby design
and manufacturing each get one-third of the sales as compensation.
Furthermore if the firm reaches its sales target of $30 million, it will also
distribute a bonus of $100,000 dollars to both teams. |
Game 8.3: Team production with more generous bonus designed with the strategic form |
Game 8.4: Team production with
less generous bonus designed in free form |
To compensate
design and manufacturing, the firm pays each team compensation of $10 million
plus a $50,000 bonus each if both teams reach the profit target of $30m.
Otherwise they get nothing. |
Game 8.5: Team
production with less generous bonus designed with the strategic form |
Game 8.6: Essay |
Games with dominated strategies do not necessarily have dominant strategies. The strategy of submitting gibberish is dominated by submitting an original contribution. |
Game 8.7: Market groceries |
Supermarkets compete with local grocery stores for business. We model the nature of their competition as a choice over three attributes shoppers value, the prices of their products, the range of products, the length of the checkout, the air-conditioning system within the store, ease of close parking and other customer services, and the hours of operations each day and proximity to demanders. Supermarkets typically occupy a very different location in the attribute spectrum to a corner store franchise, and on a much larger scale, so this is reflected in the bimatrix payoff entries. |
Game 8.8: Duopoly, price competition |
In a Bertrand pricing game between two firms, both firms set the price of their product and fulfill all orders on demand. We denote by p1 the price set by the first firm, and p₂ the price set by the second firm. The vector (p1,p₂) are the choice variables in this simultaneous move game. For experimental purposes it is useful to imagine that prices charged from a discrete set (perhaps because the units prices are denominated in whole dollars or cents) a discrete version of the pricing game. |
Game 8.9: Duopoly, quantity competition |
An alternative to
competing on price is to compete on
quantity, by choosing production levels and letting the market determine the price that keeps inventory
levels roughly constant. |
We assume that one bidder values the item at $4 million,
and the other at $2 million. To calculate the expected payoffs when both
players make the same bid, we assume each bidder stands an equal chance of
winning the auction. Accordingly consider the top left matrix entries, which
give the expected payout to both players ($0.5 million, $1.5 million) if both
players bid $1 million. Since there is a 50 percent chance the high valuation
player will win in this case, and his net gain would be $3 million, his
expected gain is $1.5 million. Similarly the net gain to the low valuation
player conditional on winning is only $1 million, so the expected value of
both bidders submitting a price of $1 million is $0.5 million to him. The
other matrix entries are completed in a similar fashion. |
Game 8.11: Second price sealed bid auction in free form |
There is an object
for sale (i.e. a cell phone). There are n players in this auction (n=3, 4,6).
Each subject has a private valuation for the object that is drawn from a
uniform distribution with minimum 50 and maximum 150. Each subject sees its
own private value and submits a bid. When all the bids are submitted the
highest bidder wins the auction and pays the second highest bid. The profit
the winning bidder is the valuation minus the price. |
Game 8.12: E-bay auction in free form |
The difference
from the sealed bid auction. The auction lasts t minutes. Each player sees
the highest outstanding bid. When the time runs out the highest bidder wins
the auction and pays the second highest bid plus one dollar. |
Game 8.13: auction in free form |
The auction last t minutes. However if you submit the bid in the last x seconds the auction continues for the next x seconds. The highest bidder wins the auction and pays the bid, |
Game 8.14: Second price sealed bid auction in strategic form |
As before suppose there are only two bidders, one of whom
has a valuation of $4 and the other a valuation of $2. A strategic form for
the second price sealed bid auction can be depicted in a similar way to the
first price auction, by modifying the previous example to take account of the
new bidding rule. Thus if the high valuation player bids $5 million and the
low valuation player bids less than that, then the high valuation player wins
the auction and pays the bid of the low valuation player. Similarly if the
low valuation player bids $3 million then the item is sold to the high
valuation player for $3 million for a gain of $1 million. Inspecting the cell
corresponding to the (bid $4 million, bid $5 million) strategy profile, we
see the payoffs are ($0, $1 million) as required. |
Game 8.15: More than one weakly dominated strategy |
There are three strategies for row player (Alpha): U, M and D and column player (Beta) has two strategies L and R. U and M are weakly dominated by D for Alpha. This example demonstrates that, in contrast to the iterative removal of strictly dominated strategies, the solution found by iteratively removing weakly dominated strategies is path dependent. |